Humidity queen, Crispy wave fern
This Asplenium fern is one of our most beloved plants. It's one of the hardiest varieties of ferns available in the market currently, which is why it's also included in all our subscription plans.
Ferns are among the oldest living plants on earth. There are an estimated 15000 varieties in existence and they don’t produce fruits or seeds, instead reproducing by spores. Fern species live in a wide variety of habitats, from remote mountain elevations, to dry desert rock faces, to bodies of water or in open fields.
Care and Maintenance
If you are new to planting this is a great fern to work with. Ferns love high humidity so keep the soil slightly moist but don't drown the plant. Keep this plant away from direct sun in a nice bright spot.
What's included
- Plant
- Plant care and repotting instruction cards
- 6" hand-painted terracotta pot & saucer (if ordered)
- Dehydrated soil wafer is included with pot
This plant is pet friendly.